The Kronoberg Storytelling Network appointed Accredited Advisor
The Storytelling Network Kronoberg, the non-profit association responsible for The Land of Legends Sweden, was appointed Accredited Advisor to the Convention in 2014. As of June 2020, there were 157 such consultant organisations worldwide. UNESCO revises the list of advisors every four years and checks whether the requirements are still met, if not, the advisor status is removed. This system of accredited organisations is a way of linking international work closely with the practising practitioners of intangible cultural heritage, and gives us practitioners a good opportunity to influence and advise the world’s leading cultural organisations.
For more information on our accreditation:
Board Member and Chairperson
The accredited advisors are affiliated to a global organisation called ICH NGO Forum. In 2019 and 2020 we served on the Forum’s board, of which one year as chairman, representing the geographical area of Western Europe and North America.
More information about the ICH NGO Forum: